Nicole Vera on Embracing Motherhood and Her Personal Passions

Nicole Vera on Embracing Motherhood and Her Personal Passions

In this issue, we interviewed Nicole Vera, a passionate rock climber, an EMT and a mom to a lively little boy. She exemplifies the balance between motherhood and personal passions. From climbing at seven and a half months pregnant to relying on Momcozy products in the early days of motherhood, her journey highlights the strength and adaptability needed to pursue passions while raising a family. In this interview, she shares her experiences and advice for other moms seeking to maintain their identities beyond motherhood.

Can you share your experience of rocking climbing while 7 ½ months pregnant? What motivated you at that time?

Nicole: When I first got introduced to rock climbing, I immediately fell in love with it. And I knew it was something that I had to continue while pregnant. One time I did it when I was about seven and a half months pregnant. What it gave back to me was a sense of normality and a sense of connection. Rock climbing helped me connect with my body and understand my body and the new challenges that were upon me during pregnancy. It really helped me understand my strengths and also limitations. And that's what motivated me to continue going during pregnancy and postpartum.

How did you start using Momcozy products, and how have they benefited your parenting life?

Nicole: The first time I ever got introduced to Momcozy products was at the hospital the day my son was born. Unfortunately, my son had to be sent straight to the NICU. And for the first 24 hours of his life, I wasn't able to visit him. The one thing that got me through that hard time was knowing I was able to provide for my baby. And I did that by using Momcozy’s colostrum collectors. I would pump and get anything I could collect and send straight to the NICU. And actually, they were a fan favorite with the nurses, who thought they were super cool. And it gave me that sense of comfort that knowing even though I was away from my baby, we were still connected in that way. It was amazing for me. Since then, I've been hooked with Momcozy products.

What advice do you have for other moms who love outdoor activities, especially on how to maintain their hobbies while raising children?

Nicole: My biggest advice to moms who love the outdoors is to stay flexible and to be able to adapt. Life will throw surprises at you, but that doesn't mean you have to give up your hobbies. It's important to really focus on your health and your activities. And really truly connect with yourself and not lose that just because you become a mom. One of the best ways I feel like that can happen is including your baby in the process and things you love, because it is extremely nice to be able to share that with someone. I would also give advice to find moms who like to do the same things as you so you guys have that sense of community. I think a community is the best way to be able to get through anything.

You recently earned a bachelor's degree in Communications ad aspire to become a fire captain. What inspired you to pursue this career path?

Nicole: Currently, I'm on the career path of becoming a firefighter. It's one thing I've always wanted to do, even post baby. I hope to become fire captain of my own station one day. What inspired me to become a firefighter was my deep seated desire to give back to my community and to really push my limits, something I will continue to pursue even with my baby and many years after that.

What are your plans and goals for the future? How do you hope to balance parenting and your career?

Nicole: My future plan is to continue to grow as a parent and a professional. I am committed to advancing in my career as well as being present in my child's life.

At Momcozy, we encourage moms to see beyond the label of a mom as a woman. Could you share your understanding of "More Than A Mom"?

Nicole: “More Than A Mom” to me means embracing the full spectrum of who you are as a person. Being a mom is incredible and important, but it's not the only part of my identity. I'm a climber, I'm a student, I'm a partner. And I'm so much more. And that's what “More Than A Mom” stands for.

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