Heartfelt Holiday Thanks: Stories of Support from Mom Friends

Heartfelt Holiday Thanks: Stories of Support from Mom Friends

During our Christmas campaign, we asked our community to share how their mom friends have supported them on their motherhood journeys, and to leave heartfelt holiday thank-you messages for them. The responses were deeply touching, with participants highlighting their moms, sisters-in-law, and even their husbands as their greatest supporters. These stories capture the essence of love, encouragement, and solidarity. Here are some of the beautiful stories that were shared.


My mother aka my best friend has been my rock through every day life. When I unexpectedly got pregnant with my first baby she was there every second to help me through it. She bought me things to help me with my pregnancy offered advice and even drove 6 hours to be in the hospital with me to welcome my baby boy, stayed with me for 2 weeks after and made frozen meals so I would have something to eat in the coming days. She has always been my biggest supporter and I’m inspired to be the mom she is because she is truly incredible!


Huge thank you to my friend Clara who just had her second baby right after I had my first… She has always been a huge encouragement to me as I take on motherhood for the first time. Breastfeeding worries and woes were shared and consoled and I definitely have less anxiety after her being there to tell me “this is normal! Don’t give up!!” Baby is now just over a month old and thriving and we are still breastfeeding. The biggest thank you goes to the ones who encourage us to never give up.

@Daniella Cedillo

Being a first time mom, a lot of my friends are also first time moms but obviously had their kids before me. I’m grateful for their wisdom, guidance and support. My friend Lesley has been such a super helpful influence in my life! My mother & mother in law have helped me so much! They have done so much for me. Cooking, cleaning, helping me with watching her. I think it took me 2 months to finally let her stay alone with them haha but it was worth it. I’m thankful this is such a beautiful first experience. Thank you Momcozy for being a wonderful brand to support my journey as a mom & woman.



Grateful for @annaej1999 for being with me throughout my infertility journey, sharing her kids with us, and celebrating us when we finally got pregnant. She flew out for my baby shower and has been the best long distance mom friend when I’ve needed it most. I’m so grateful for her friendship and her support throughout all the ups and downs of pregnancy and now with my own kid, she listens without giving unsolicited advice and has become a safe space. Love her.



Honestly, I have to send thanks to the entire @momcozy community groups for being such an incredible source of support on my motherhood journey. Your kindness, encouragement, and understanding have made such a difference, especially during my challenging breastfeeding journey. I’m so grateful to be part of a community that truly gets it and uplifts one another every step of the way. So hats off to all of you mommas on here that have been apart of my journey.


Moving across the country as a military wife and first time mom wasn’t easy, but my friend was there every step of the way for my pregnancy and birth. She successfully breastfed her first baby and she knew I wanted to breastfeed mine. Right after I had my baby my friend met me at my house and helped me try and latch my baby and helped me figure out everything to do with pumping. Even when I was in tears and exhausted she continued to come that whole week. I owe it all to her. I'm now 10 months into successfully feeding my son while also donating to other babies here on the military base that I live on!


My bestie @selenaobannon has shown me so many things about motherhood and embracing all the ups and downs! It’s been a true honor to see how you navigate being a mom and being able to take so many fruitful gems from you as I stepped into motherhood. I love you sooo much!


Thank you too @sophiafitlawyer for being a great support on my entire pregnancy journey! Even though we’re in different states, the advice and guidance she has given me has been invaluable! So thankful to have a friend that understand what I’m going through and can share experiences together.


I wanted to thank my mother in law who was by my side after giving birth to my first baby for two months, she cooked a nutritional food and helped me nurse my child. I couldn’t sit because of an episiotomy and was struggling to sometimes to shower my little man but tanks to her I was able to recover well and take care of my son fully every other day.I will never forget this act and wish every mom gets the help and the empowerment we deserve from friends, family and strangers too @minzipiao thank you mom. ❤️


@liz.mendozaa_ let me start off by saying thank you. And also I’m sorry, because i did not understand what motherhood was and i wasn’t there the way you needed when you became a mom. But thank you for being understanding and being there for me when I got pregnant. We got so much closer now that we share the title of Mami and I’m so beyond thankful for you, for your advice, for your shoulder to cry on, for your ears and heart who listen with no judgment, for your momma brain for understanding how hard this has been, and overall your friendship. You literally pumped milk and set it aside in case Santi needed it in the hospital because you knew how important it was for me to make sure he got breastmilk. You made it to our baby shower despite you healing from a C-section that I now also understand the pain and healing process. You’re an amazing friend and even more amazing momma! I hope this year you achieved everything you wanted and I pray next year we get to enjoy watching our babies grow together! Merry Christmas Liz! I love you!!!🤍

@Heily Salgado

Definitely my best friend from high-school. We've been there for each other before motherhood and even more now in motherhood. We have gone through the ups and downs from lip ties to emergency surgeries at birth, broken bones, many firsts, just everything always there to listen and give advice. So glad our boys will always have someone who cares for them other than mom.

@Elizabeth Conner

I don't have many friends, so I would have to say my best "mom" friend is my husband. He is my biggest supporter and helps every way he can. During postpartum he kept reminding me who I was and helped me get out of my funk. I get anxious about pumping in front of people and he helps me feel normal about it. Pregnancy is a huge life change and having my partner be my best friend and biggest supporter through it all makes it so much easier.

@Jacqueline Amber

Brooke she was there for me from the second I told her. She was the first friend to hold my daughter as I was the first friend to hold her son 5 months prior. Every concern I had during pregnancy, she was there. My gender reveal she threw it even through a snow storm. When my daughter was born she gave me advice and helped me whenever I needed it and still helps me feel less insane as a first time mama. I couldn’t have made it through this journey without her and I am so grateful for her every day. Thank you for everything you do babe.


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