5 Proven Tips to Use Tube Free Breast Pump in 2023

5 Proven Tips to Use Tube Free Breast Pump in 2023

When you hold your newborn for the first time, you count their fingers and toes. You can see how each breath they take causes their tiny chest to rise and fall. You give them a soft head kiss on top. Pure happiness.

That is, until you understand that you are the only one who can keep this tiny creature alive. In the first few months and beyond, it involves love, attention, and a lot of feeding. You can do this. But that doesn't mean it's simple.

It sounds simple enough to nurse your kid "on demand," but in the beginning, it may entail feeding the infant every couple of hours, day and night.

How to use tube free breast pump?

Whether you want to supplement your breastfeeding or plan to pump exclusively, learning the procedure can feel stressful on top of the likely lack of sleep you're already getting.

Expressing milk is a routine procedure for extracting breast milk from the breast. It is performed to maintain lactation, secure milk for later, or sometimes for health reasons. Let's find out what it is and how it should go.

Expressing breast milk with tube free breast pump is a way of extracting milk from the breast without the need of the baby. You can do this by using:

  • cancer,
  • manual breast pump,
  • Electric breast pump.

Once you've expressed your milk and don't need it right away, you can store it in the fridge or freezer to feed your baby later.

You can provide your baby with previously expressed milk in several different ways:

  • in a bottle
  • in a cup
  • Similarly, in a syringe or half a full spoon (for younger children).

Your midwife can help you choose which method is best for you and your baby. She should also give you detailed advice on safe ways to feed.

Why express breast milk with tube free breast pump?

There are many reasons why you might want to express milk. Your baby can still benefit from natural breast milk if he is unable to breastfeed or if you cannot be with him all the time.

Expressing milk also means that other caregivers can feed your baby as well as you do, so you can rest or run errands during this time.

Expressing milk can be especially helpful if:

  • Your partner or someone else will feed your baby.
  • When you want to produce more milk, expressing can increase your supply. In fact, if you express more milk in the first few days, it can make it easier to produce milk later on.
  • If you need hospital care or are returning to work and of course you can't have your baby with you all the time.
  • Your breasts are full and sore. If this happens, then expressing your milk may help you feel more comfortable.
  • If you are going to share your milk with other children and donate it to the milk bank.
  • If your baby cannot suckle well or cannot take milk straight from the breast, or if you or your baby have a medical condition or disease that makes breastfeeding difficult.

How to properly express milk?

Whether you're pumping by hand or using tube free breast pump, always wash your hands before beginning the process and make sure any equipment you use has been properly sterilized beforehand.

The right mood can also help. The more relaxed you are, the easier it will be, as the better the oxytocin hormone is released. When you feel happy and relaxed, your milk flows more easily from your breasts. Sometimes it's hard if your baby is sick or you feel rushed and stressed.

Holding or sitting next to your baby, looking at a picture of him, holding and smelling his clothes can also help.

Expressing milk manually

To express milk with tube free breast pump, you will need a container with a wide opening, such as a jug. Make sure it is well cleaned and rinsed with boiling water or sterilized. You will also need sterile bags, bottles or containers with lids to store your milk.

Expressing milk by hand takes some getting used to and you may need to practice it for a while. 

However, the following tips can help a lot:

  • Gently massaging your breasts or putting a warm flannel over them before starting the process can help a lot.
  • Grasp the breast with one hand and make a "C" shape with your fingers and thumb with the other hand. Squeeze the area around the nipple gently, not the nipple itself.
  • Squeeze and then release until you get the rhythm you want. Your milk will start coming out as a few drops at first, increasing the rate to a more steady flow.
  • Continue the process until the flow slows down, and then move on to another part of the breast. When you empty one breast, move on to the other.

Using tube free breast pump to express

Some women find it easier to use a breast pump. Whether you use a manual or electric pump, you'll have to rely on what you're comfortable with, how often you need to express, and how much milk you need to express. Some electric pumps allow you to express milk from both breasts at the same time.

Most pumps work in a similar way. Apply the suction cup and cone cap to the nipple and areola. This nozzle imitates the way your baby sucks, stimulating the flow of milk. If you are using a hand pump, you squeeze the handle several times to trigger pumping. If you use an electric pump, the machine will do it for you.

Expressing milk with tube free breast pump shouldn't be painful, but if you experience any pain or difficulty, talk to your midwife about it.

It takes between 15 minutes and 45 minutes to express milk from both breasts. But don't worry about the passing time. Just keep pumping as long as your milk flows. Change breasts when the flow slows down.

If you need to obtain milk occasionally, manual pumping or cheaper manual breast pumps may be the most reasonable. If you want to pump at home on a regular basis, a standard electric pump may be the best choice for you.

When using a breast pump, try the following tips:

  • Sit comfortably with your back straight.
  • Support your breast from underneath. Place your fingers flat on your ribs.
  • Insert the nipple into the funnel, making sure it is in the middle. It's important to make sure you get a good fit. If too much of the areola is drawn into the funnel, it can cause nipple pain. A tight funnel can also inhibit the flow of milk. Many pumps come with different sizes of funnels, so choose one that's right for you.
  • Hold the funnel close enough to maintain a seal with the skin without forcing it against the breast.
  • Be patient. It usually takes a minute or two for your milk to come out at the right rate.
  • If you use an electric pump, you can change the suction power sometimes. If you have this feature, start with less force and slowly work it up. If you start with a lot of force, it can be painful and can damage your nipples.

How should I store expressed breast milk?

Store milk in sterilized containers, such as plastic feeding bottles with sealed rims or plastic bags prepared for milk storage. Remember to write the date on the bottle or bag before putting it in the fridge or freezer so that you use the oldest ones first.

To store milk in the refrigerator, you need to know how cold your refrigerator is. You can buy a thermometer if your refrigerator does not have a built-in device.

Freshly expressed milk can be stored:

  • Up to 5 days, in the main part of the refrigerator, at 4 ° C or below. It is best to put the milk in the back of the fridge where it is coldest,
  • up to 2 weeks in the fridge freezer,
  • Similarly, Up to 6 months in a freezer at minus 18ºC or below.

If you plan to store expressed milk for less than 5 days, it is a good idea to store it in the refrigerator. Milk that has been refrigerated can be stored for 24 hours in a thermal bag or ice pack box.

Freezing breast milk destroys some of the antibodies your baby needs to fight infections more effectively. It is best not to freeze food that you plan to use within 5 days. It is also worth remembering that thawed breast milk is still healthier for the baby than formula milk.

You can defrost frozen milk in one of the following ways:

  • place the bottle or bag in a bowl of warm water,
  • hold them under cold and then warm tap water,
  • Thaw in the fridge overnight.

From when to begin pumping to how to actually use a tube free breast pump to how many ounces you should store away each day, we've got you covered. Let's start now!

Why Double All-in-one Breast Pump - M1?

  • 3 modes and 9 suction levels with an LCD display
  • Silicone that is food-grade and secure
  • 27mm Flange with inserts of 24mm and 21mm
  • Bottle volume: 150 ml (5 oz).
  • Time of use: 90 to 150 minutes (1200mAh)
  • Auto-off after 30 minutes of operation
  • Either a 5V-1A or 5V-2A power adaptor is required.

The weight and visibility are greatly reduced by wearing an all-in-one size, which is also much more comfortable. Increased milk production is made possible by improved 3 modes and larger 9 intensities, allowing you to start small and finish big.

The closed system of the Momcozy M1 wearable tube free breast pump entirely separates milk from the motor and pump parts. You don't have to be concerned about leaks when wearing this pump.

BPA-free and effortlessly clean

The hands-free Momcozy breast pump attachments are made of soft, food-grade silicone that is easy to clean and remove while maintaining a tight seal for the best suction. Range of the maximum suction: 320 to 360 mmHg.

All components are removable for proper cleaning. The tube free breast pump motor only has to be cleaned with a cloth because it is isolated from the milk.

50dB Sound

As quiet as a whisper, so quiet that it won't draw attention from passersby while pumping in public and won't wake up your baby even on a peaceful night.

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