4 Reasons to Use Hands Free Breast Milk Pump in 2022

4 Reasons to Use Hands Free Breast Milk Pump in 2022

Having a newborn in a mother’s life is a lot of work and tensions by finding an easier way to complete some of their necessary tasks. They can be busy squeezing and being exhausted for the whole day.

Hands free breast milk pump can provide parents the opportunity to be easy while pumping sessions. A breast pump can give mothers more freedom but they still have to be careful about leakage. Mothers can easily do some laundry or clean chores during their pumping session.  

Why Hands Free Breast Milk Pump?

If you want to chest feed or breastfeed, you spend a lot of time (as in, 5 to 87 hours per day during the first 4 or 5 months) feeding your baby. If you’re building up a stash for time away from baby or pumping to boost your milk supply, you’ll spend even more extra time.

This can sound like a very difficult task (and it is), but it benefits you and your child! One way to live your natural life. You can still meet your goals by using Momcozy M1. 

How can mothers choose Hands Free Breast Milk Pump?

We discussed many pumping mothers for their reviews. And we considered many factors such as availability, features, and price. We have brought you our top list hands-free breast pumps.

All breastfeeding or chestfeeding mothers’ needs are a little different, so we have tried to find the best breast pump for every lifestyle, preference, and budget. We hope, by Momcozy M1, your life becomes easier.

Momcozy M1 breast pump is much smaller as you can wear it easily under your bra. It reduces your chest burden and provides you best chest shape as visibility. This breast pump has 3 modes and bigger 9 intensities which will help you to get extra milk without any difficulty.

Momcozy M1 hands free breast milk pump uses a closed system.  It stores breast milk separate from the breast pump pieces and motor. We guarantee that you don’t need to worry about leakage while the pumping session.

Features of Momcozy M1 breast pump

  • M1 breast pump is smaller in size and can easily fit in your bra.
  • It is available with 2X less size and 2X more convenience.
  • All-in-one design, Momcozy M1 breast pump replacement parts are easily available.
  • It can be easily assembled and disassembled.
  • This pump is available in three sizes of 21/24/27mm of flanges, which can solve the nipple problem as well.
  • All accessories of Momcozy hands free breast milk pump are made of purely soft food-grade silicone. It can be easy to remove and clean.


Every breastfeeding mom has her own lifestyle and personal approach to breastfeeding. Most are fully aware of the nutritional and emotional benefits of breastfeeding, but not all moms want to breastfeed the same way. Precisely for this reason, Momcozy makes a wide range of breast pumps, each of which is designed to correspond to a specific lifestyle.

Choosing a Hands Free Breast Milk Pump must start with how you want to breastfeed your baby.

The amount of milk a baby drinks during a feed ranges from 54ml to 234ml, so the average daily milk consumption ranges from 478ml to 1,356ml. It is important to remember that it can take a couple of weeks for your milk supply to reach these volumes, and production is closely linked to how well your breasts are drained. It is amazing how milk production adjusts to the amount of milk being removed from the breast!

The easiest way to think about which hands free breast milk pump might meet your needs is to think about how often someone else will feed your little one breast milk with a bottle. The volume of milk expressed during a pumping session with a breast pump may not be equivalent to a bottle feeding session.

 Although sometimes a single extraction session can be enough for more than one bottle feeding session. It all depends on how much milk is available in your breast at the time of expressing, and how hungry your baby is when you feed him breast milk from a bottle.

Get More Milk Production with Hands Free Breast Milk Pump

If you know that you will share the task of feeding your baby more than twice a week with other people, we recommend that you choose a breast pump that allows you to express milk from both breasts at the same time.

 Double pumping with a Momcozy breast pump helps maintain your milk supply as the milk available in your breasts is removed more efficiently. It means more milk production.

If you will be sharing your little one's nutrition with other people less than twice a week, you can choose a single pumping breast pump, which - depending on your preferences - can be electric or manual. It is often the case that new parents are unsure whether they will need a breast pump or, if they are sure they will use it, they do not know what type of breast pump will help them.

How to choose a good breast milk pump?

Many will make a decision after the baby is born, while others will purchase the breast pump before delivery in order to be prepared. If you buy a breast pump before giving birth, we recommend that you do not open the package.

 Breast pumps are Medical Devices. The breast pumps you buy in a store are classified as "single patient medical devices", which means that they cannot be returned once opened and that they are personal (like a toothbrush can be, for example).

On the other hand, the breast pumps that are used in hospitals or that can be rented in some pharmacies and shops for infants are designed differently and guarantee safety and hygiene even when used by different mothers.

Instead of just looking at the features and benefits of a breast pump, let's look at 4 different scenarios and figure out which one is closest to your situation.

Scenario 1: Exclusive breastfeeding

I only want to breastfeed and my baby will be given breast milk with a bottle only a couple of times a week. I don't plan to go back to work while breastfeeding, so I don't anticipate my baby and I will be separated on a daily basis, nor do I anticipate habitual situations where I can't breastfeed.

Scenario 2: Parents sharing the task of nutrition

My partner we both want to be involved in our baby's bonding and nutrition experience. We are a team, and this means that we collaborate. I can feed the baby at the breast; my partner will need me to express the milk to give it to the baby with a bottle.

I will manage the feedings during the night, while my partner will take care of the feedings in the evening so that I can get some sleep. When I get back to work, I know that I will need to express my milk several more times because my little one will be fed breast milk from a bottle even during the day.

Scenario 3: A healthy full-term baby and his mom, but one or both of them face breastfeeding challenges

My baby was born at full term, but for some reason, we are having problems stabilizing breastfeeding/lactation. We are not being treated in a hospital, but we have consulted a lactation consultant, midwife, or another experienced physician.

I want to breastfeed my baby but I am worried that I will not be able. I need to use a breast pump at least, for now, to be able to stabilize and protect my milk supply as we work to solve these problems.

Scenario 4: Premature baby and/or mother who needs hospital care

The stabilization of my milk supply was interrupted due to premature birth and/or birth complications which resulted in a separation between me and my baby. We are still in the hospital and I need to stabilize my milk supply because I know this is a crucial time for my baby and my milk can make a difference to his survival.

Do you feel guilty if you only use the breast pump?

Whatever the reason for using a breast pump, some moms feel guilty, as if bottle feeding equates to less nourishment or less dedication. If you have such thoughts, let them go. The truth is that every mother always does her best of her to feed her baby.


Using the hands free breast milk pump, the work is greater and the dedication and commitment are doubled. For many moms, exclusive breastfeeding isn't always possible. The breast pump is the best alternative and proves to be an excellent ally. So, banish the guilt and enjoy the positives of this great friend.

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