Celebración del Día de la Madre

La maternidad nunca es una aventura en solitario.

¡Únete a nosotros para apoyarte y conectar con otras acogedoras mamás como tú!

Por qué la maternidad nunca es una aventura en solitario.

2024 Informe sobre el estado de
la ayuda a la maternidad

Presented by momcozy

Casi 4 de cada 10 madres no se sentían muy apoyadas por su comunidad.

La maternidad es un viaje marcado por el amor, el cuidado y la dedicación, pero no está exenta de desafíos. Reconociendo la importancia del apoyo maternal, Momcozy y Postpartum Support International llevaron a cabo una encuesta exhaustiva que generó una sólida respuesta de 1.187 madres mileniales y de la Generación Z para comprender mejor y compartir ampliamente las realidades a las que se enfrentan.

" Para prosperar, no sólo para sobrevivir, toda madre necesita una red de apoyo: una aldea. "

En el ajetreo de la vida moderna, reconocemos que las redes de apoyo para madres han sido difíciles de encontrar y aún más difíciles de acceder. Por eso estamos construyendo un verdadero pueblo de apoyo y conexión para las madres de todo el mundo. de todo el mundo.

Únase a nosotros en Momcozy Village, donde encontrará una cálida comunidad de mamás con ideas afines dispuestas a darle una gran bienvenida.


¡Demos un paseo

Cozy Preparación

Espera. A tu manera.
Hola, futura mamá. Sabemos que el embarazo conlleva sus propios retos, pero no estás sola. Estamos aquí para reconfortarte y apoyarte en todo momento.

Cozy Alimentación

Feed. Your Cozy Way.
Congratulations on your newest family member! We understand that feeding your little one can be both challenging and rewarding. Let us be your ultimate companion on this journey.

Cozy Recovey

Restore. Your Cozy Way.
As you embrace your new identity as a mom, remember that self-care is key. We're here to support you as you navigate this transition and nurture your body back to newfound strength.

Cozy Parenting

Bond. Your Cozy Way.
Being a mom is an incredible journey, and we're here to help make it cozy for both you and your baby. A well-supported mom raises a happy baby!

Cozy Outing

Explore. Your Cozy Way.
What a nice day! It's time to explore the world with your little one. Let's make every outing a cozy adventure filled with love and laughter.
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Special for you this Mother's Day
Real Connection
Online Community of Real Moms
Receive gifts, coupons and have a space dedicated to chat with other moms.
Exclusive Brand Event at Babylist Beverly Hills
Enjoy a special afternoon with moms alike and awesome influencers. Gain valuable insights from an expert specializing in maternal mental health.
Always putting moms first
A word from the founder of Momcozy
As a woman, I know the countless challenges women face in society. Especially, in the transitions from girl to woman and woman to mom.

I've seen it from countless mothers and in doing so, have wholly embraced the collective feelings of motherhood as my own.

I founded Momcozy on these principles, and am dedicated to making sure every mom's existence is seen, heard, accepted and understood.

Momcozy insists on putting moms first, encouraging them to embrace and maintain their individuality and never give up on being themselves even after becoming moms. My hope is that Momcozy users will say, "Momcozy is a brand that makes me feel relaxed, at ease while making my life simpler and easy. Even if as a mom, I can also enjoy my own wonderful life."

Let's embrace the power of COZY!

Select your package of support
Special offer for Mother's Day!
While rewarding, we know that motherhood can also be tough and complicated. That's why we're here for you, offering a range of products to support you every step of the way.