Every woman desires to be able to breastfeed her baby naturally and automatically, therefore at the mother's breast. Unfortunately, this is not always possible. In cases where this simple operation becomes difficult or impossible, the breast pump for milk is the ideal tool to solve this problem.
The breast pump is very useful for mothers, sometimes essential and you don't have to be afraid of it! It is certainly not an instrument of torture, and it will not cause you any pain. It is not difficult to use and it shouldn't scare you.
It is used both in cases where the baby is born prematurely, in those in which the mother works and therefore is not present at the time of the baby's usual feeding, and in cases where the mother is unable to produce milk continuously. In fact, the breast pump helps in stimulating the production of breast milk.
But let's see everything in order.

When to use a breast pump for milk?
Forced separation after childbirth: The breast pump is used when a breastfeeding woman cannot latch her baby to the breast because, for medical reasons, there has been a temporary separation.
Premature birth or laziness of the baby: If the baby was born prematurely, is underweight, or is simply lazy, the sucking may be poor (not enough suck from the nipple) and therefore does not stimulate the production of breast milk. In this case, the breast pump is very useful.
Mom works: When the mother returns to work after maternity, using a breast pump is a great way to avoid depriving your baby of the mother's milk, which she is used to.
Breast engorgement: Sometimes it happens that the milk creates breast engorgement with pain or discomfort in the breast, without the leakage of milk. The breast pump in these cases helps to resolve the situation.
The breast pump for milk: how it works?
The breast pump for milk is used to extract milk from the breast and does not hurt. It works in a very simple way because a cup that is part of the instrument in question is simply approached to the breast and the milk is drawn and set aside in a connected bottle.
Is the breast pump: manual or electric?
Currently, there are mainly two types of breast pumps on the market: the manual breast pump and the electric breast pump.
The manual breast pump has a manual mechanism for the sucking gesture. A bellflower is placed on the mother's breast and by applying slight pressure, the milk is withdrawn. The manual breast pump costs less than the electric one, but the result is poorer because less milk is pumped.
It is also more tiring to use, as it requires continuous pressure to create the vacuum needed to withdraw the liquid. We recommend it to those who need it for a few weeks or infrequently.
Should you use an electric breast pump for milk?
The electric breast pump, on the other hand, is easier to use and extracts much more milk. Also in this case a "cup" is placed on the woman's breast, but the sucking gesture is automatic.
The technology used mimics the natural sucking of the baby. The electric breast pump is slightly more expensive than the manual one, but certainly more practical and offers better results in terms of breast milk. We recommend it to those who have to use it for a long time.
In both cases, the breast pump you use must be of excellent quality because, first of all, if it is well made and made with good materials, it does not hurt the mother, and secondly because it draws a greater quantity of milk. I, therefore, advise you to avoid low-standard pumps and other poorly made products.
Since the cost is not too expensive, it would be better to get one of the well-known breast pump for milk brands like Momcozy which features an extensive reliable electric breast pump.
The breast pump: how to express the milk and store it?
Regardless of which breast pump you use, manual or electric, the amount of milk expressed may depend on the practicality of use, but also the mother's stress.
The state of relaxation of the mother greatly affects the outflow of breast milk and its extraction. Therefore, even the very gesture of expressing milk must become a routine and not a moment of anxiety.
As for pumping, given that each mother will decide when to do it according to her needs, it would be preferable to express in the morning, as there may be more milk after the evening feed. It takes about 10 minutes per breast and the sucking can be repeated about 4/6 times a day. The extracted milk is then stored in sterilized jars and is kept for about 3 hours at room temperature. In the fridge instead for up to 24 hours.
Which is the best breast pump for milk?
Compression and sucking are only the two fundamental actions for the extraction of milk from the breast by the baby. Therefore, the electric breast pump t is certainly the most reliable product. For this purpose, you can try Momcozy S12 Wearable Electric Breast Pump which comes with excellent features like:
- 24mm flange size
- Lowest noise operation
- 30 minutes auto shut duration
- Safest food-grade silicone material
Even better, the double breast pump is useful not only in the case of twins but also for regular milk extractions. If you have to express your breast milk every day, for medical or business reasons, we recommend the double breast pump which simultaneously expresses from both breasts.
Faster than the single breast pump, the double breast pump also extracts more milk as the double stimulation promotes the production of oxytocin, the hormone responsible for releasing milk. Furthermore, it also seems that this milk contains more fat and calories, for optimal nutritional value.
Why do you need a reliable breast pump for milk?
The breast pump is an instrument that can also be rented in some pharmacies, where obviously the instrument is the same and, for hygienic reasons, the cup that rests on the body is replaced.
Breastfeeding is a wonderful experience to bringing mother and baby closer together. But for most moms, there comes a point when they have to part ways with their baby - because they're going to work, they're sick, or they just want to be out with their partner all night. In such cases, a breast pump is a boon. However, pumping and storing milk can be difficult at first.
Breast pump funnel: size matters
To effectively express breast milk with a breast pump for milk, first, make sure that the funnel fits. What some women don't realize is that these horn-shaped pieces of plastic come in a wide variety of sizes. The default size is often too small and breastfeeding mothers complain of scratches around the nipples.
You can't judge what size fits your nipples just by how they look - sucking on a pump makes them swell. Therefore, it is recommended to buy a breast pump with a breast shield one size larger than the standard one. The areolas of the nipples should move freely in and out of the funnel.
The entire nipple should move freely in it, and not just the tip. If the funnel is too tight, the nipples cannot move and do not receive full stimulation.
Expression of milk: maximum extraction of breast milk
Use your fingers to find a hard place on the chest - glandular tissue.
Apply light pressure to this area and hold (do not rock). When you find the right spot, the milk will start to splatter. Due to your pressure, the milk ejaculates, and more and more milk is produced.
When the milk stops flowing, raise your thumb and look for the next piece of glandular tissue. Apply firm, but painless pressure to this area.
When you breastfeed or express milk, you can never completely remove the milk from your breast, because when you drain it, new milk is being produced at the same time. To get the most out of it, squeeze out the remaining milk by hand after removing the pump. Simply remove the funnel from the bottle and express milk directly from the nipple into the bottle. Thus, you can get an additional 10-15 ml of milk.
More tips for pumping milk effectively
Find a secluded place to pump. It must be clean and provide sufficient comfort and privacy. If it helps, bring something that reminds you of the baby. Some women like to take pictures of their baby, their mascot, or clothes with them, or even record the sounds they make when they breastfeed.
Causing associations with natural feeding, sometimes you can get more milk. Other women do not like to be reminded of the necessary separation from their child and prefer to read emails or other simple activities during this time.
If possible, express milk as often as possible during breastfeeding. If this is not possible, try doing this at least three times a day: in the morning, at noon, and in the afternoon.
Once you've managed to express fresh, nourishing milk, it needs to be stored somewhere. Start with a safe transfusion. With clean hands, pour the milk from the pump into a clean screw cap bottle or thick bag. Do not pour milk into a plastic bag that may leak.
Then set the date on the containers so that the oldest milk can be used first. Expressed milk can spoil over time, so it must be stored properly.