Chart for Healthy Body Mass Index for Pregnant Women

Chart for Healthy Body Mass Index for Pregnant Women

You gain weight when you are pregnant. Everybody knows that. But how can you determine if the resulting weight is still healthy? Is there a range that you'd want to hit? Let us discuss this topic. This article teaches you all you need to know about body mass index for pregnant women.

Pregnant woman weighing herself.

What Is BMI?

Body mass index (BMI) is an estimate of how much body fat you have. It is based on the ratio of your height and weight.

Can you get your BMI on your own? Yes. You don't need special instruments! How? Take your measurements. Then, use the formula provided below.

How To Calculate BMI for Pregnant Women

Let's say you are a 28-year-old woman with these measurements before you became pregnant:

Height: 1.65 meters

Weight: 65 kilograms

Here is how to calculate your BMI:

Step 1: Square your height:

1.65×1.65 = 2.7225m²

Step 2: Divide your weight by the square of your height:


The normal weight range is 18.5 - 24.9. Thus, we can safely say that the BMI in this example is a healthy weight.

The formula is the same for getting your BMI while you are pregnant.

Please note that you can use your pre-pregnancy BMI to determine how much weight you should gain.

How Does Pre-Pregnancy BMI Influence Pregnancy Health?

Your BMI before pregnancy has a significant effect on your pregnancy health. It determines how much weight gain is safe for you and your baby. Furthermore, it has an effect on your baby.

Suppose your pre-pregnancy BMI is less than 18.5. Then, you are considered underweight. That can affect your baby. They are more likely to be smaller compared to other babies. How about if you are overweight instead? If that is the case, you are more likely to have problems like hypertension and gestational diabetes.

Also, did you know that a large baby makes you more likely to have a cesarean delivery? It would increase your recovery time. What is the significance of your BMI to that? Your weight during pregnancy affects your baby's weight. And so, having a high BMI increases the chances of this happening.

How To Monitor Weight Gain During Pregnancy

Monitoring your weight gain is crucial for ensuring a healthy pregnancy. Check your BMI. Then, adjust your diet to increase your weight gain or prevent gaining too much weight based on where you're currently at.

You can use the Momcozy Multi-Function Baby Scale to get your weight. It's one of the best scales to use due to two main reasons. One, the scale is highly accurate. Two, it has an anti-slip property. So you can rest assured that it is safe to use.

Getting this scale is also a great investment. When your baby arrives, you can use it to measure their weight and height. It is very cost-effective.

Momcozy multi function baby scale.

You can compute your BMI using the formula above. You could also search for a BMI calculator for pregnant women online.

BMI Chart for Pregnant Women

Medical experts have identified how much weight you should gain during your pregnancy based on your BMI. Here is a chart showing that.

BMI Before Pregnancy

Recommended Weight Gain

Recommended Weight Gain (For Twins)

Underweight (Less than 18.5)

12.5kg to 18kg

22.6kg to 28.1kg

Healthy Weight (18.5 to 24.9)

11.5kg to 16kg

16.78 to 24.49kg

Overweight (25 to 29.9)

7kg to 11.5kg

14.06 to 22.6kg

30 or Above

5kg to 9kg

11.34 to 19.05kg

Please note that the classification for underweight and overweight is different for Asians. If you are Asian, please check this chart:

Healthy Weight

18.5 to 22.9


23 to 27.5


Over 27.5

Momcozy has a handy pregnancy weight gain calculator online tool that lets you check your weight gain status. It will help you maintain a healthy weight during your pregnancy.

Impact of High or Low BMI on Pregnancy

Low BMI and high BMI affect pregnancy differently. However, both can have negative effects. So, as always, having a healthy weight is ideal. We will discuss the impacts a low or high BMI can have on your pregnancy to paint a clearer picture.


Please keep in mind that even if you have a low BMI, you can still expect a healthy pregnancy. In fact, most women did not experience anything unusual. However, having a low BMI increases some risks. While these risks remain small, it is worth keeping in mind.

What are these issues we are talking about? The risks include:

● As we mentioned above, your baby is more likely to be small or have a low birth weight. This is due to fetal growth restriction.

● It increases the chances of premature labor and birth.

● Women with low BMI are more likely to have a miscarriage.

High BMI

The case is the same with low BMI: high BMI increases some risks. The chances are still low. Still, we recommend aiming for a healthy weight during pregnancy. Also, the higher your BMI, the higher the risks. Here's why:

● A high BMI increases the chances of you giving birth to a large baby.

● It increases the likelihood of a cesarean operation being required.

● A high BMI can cause several medical conditions. The list includes pre-eclampsia, high blood pressure, thrombosis, and gestational diabetes.

● High BMI also increases the chances of premature birth, stillbirth, or miscarriage.

How To Maintain a Healthy Weight During Pregnancy

Follow these tips to maintain a healthy weight during pregnancy:

Consult a Medical Expert

Talk to a medical expert for the best result. They will help you pinpoint your weight gain goals and how to achieve them. Follow their recommendations and track your weight gains as you go. Compare the results with the target and adjust your diet as needed.

Bonus Tip: Your growing belly may make you uncomfortable and cause back pain. You can ease that using the Momcozy Ergonest Maternity Belly Band. Its ergonomic design provides you with additional support, keeping you comfortable as your belly grows.

Momcozy Multi-Function Baby Scale - Weight & Height Measurement
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Eat a Balanced Diet

You want to control how much weight you are gaining. It could require you to eat more or eat less. What you eat during this journey is important. Of course, you'd want to remain healthy. So, you must eat a balanced diet. It allows you to get the nutrients that you need.

Include the following in your diet:

● Whole grains

● Fruits

● Vegetables

● Lean proteins

Avoid foods that are high in added sugars and solid fats.


On top of a healthy diet, you should exercise. It is healthy and safe for pregnant women. Just remember not to overdo it. You can break the tasks into smaller physical activities, and that is fine.


How important is it to check the body mass index for pregnant women? It is very important. A low BMI or high BMI can increase the chances of miscarriage and other issues. So, you may want to get into shape before planning to have a baby. You should also note your pre-pregnancy BMI. It allows you to determine whether the rate you are gaining weight is healthy or not. Please check the chart we have provided and aim to stick to those values.

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