Welcome to the world of parenthood! You've just brought home your new baby and probably feel overwhelmed by everything. However, there are many things that you can do to make sure your baby is safe at home. It's best for everyone if you follow these ten safety guidelines to give your baby--and your family--a safe space while you care for your little bundle of joy.

Baby-Proof Your House
Baby-proofing your house before the arrival of the baby is necessary. You should start babyproofing at least six months before the baby is born because if you wait until after they are born, it will be more challenging.
One of the best ways to baby-proof your home is to get a baby monitor with a camera and audio. A baby camera monitor is perfect for knowing if your baby is sleeping well, checking in on them when you pop out of the room to use the restroom, and more. With a baby camera monitor, you will have all the proper safety measures in place for your home.
Our baby monitor was created to provide you peace of mind. With a 960-foot wireless range and protected privacy, you can access every moment your baby is asleep to put your mind at ease. Best of all, it can provide you with a full room view! Our Momcozy baby camera monitor should be on the top of your list to baby-proof your home!
Ensure Your Baby Sleeps Safely
As a parent, you want to ensure that your newborn is safe and sound while asleep. There are many safety guidelines to follow, but here are the most important ones:
Place your baby on his back for sleep. Studies show that this reduces the risk of SIDS by 50 percent compared to other positions, such as stomach or side sleeping.
Use a firm mattress in the crib. A firm mattress will support his head and neck and allow him to breathe freely during sleep.
Keep all pillows out of reach as they pose an unnecessary risk of suffocation if they're within arm's reach when the baby is asleep.

Use the Right Car Seat
A car seat is essential for your newborn, even if you don't drive. Car seats are designed to be used in the car, with a child, and with their manufacturer's recommendations for installation and use.
Car seats are also designed to protect your baby from injury during a crash or sudden stop. They reduce head movement, slow down the acceleration forces on the baby's body, and absorb energy during impact so that the infant doesn't suffer serious injuries. Be sure to do your research to find the perfect car seat!
Don't Leave Your Baby Unattended at the Changing Table
If you're like most parents, there are a million things you need to get done while your baby is in the house. First, you mustn't leave your infant unattended for any period. For example, avoid leaving him alone on the changing table.
Never leave him alone in a car seat set up inside the vehicle. This is important not just because of the danger of the heat for babies but because, in most states, it is illegal!
Change to Safe Cleaning Products
To keep your baby safe, you need to change your cleaning products. Instead of using conventional antibacterial sprays or harsh chemicals, use mild soap and water.
Then, disinfect surfaces with a non-toxic product designed for babies' rooms. It's also important not to let anyone smoke in your home while the new baby is there. This could increase the baby's risk of SIDS or other illnesses.
Keep Your Baby Up to Date on Shots
Vaccinations are a great way to protect your baby from serious diseases. Your pediatrician will have an immunization schedule that they recommend, so it's essential to follow up with them if your child has any medical conditions or allergies so they can tailor the vaccines based on their unique needs.
In most cases, vaccines are given at two months, four months, six months, twelve-to-fifteen months, and then again between ages four and six before starting school. However, if your baby was born prematurely or missed one of their vaccinations during infancy, talk with their doctor about how best to catch up on missed doses as soon as possible—it's not something that should be delayed for long!
Learn How to Swaddle Your Baby for Sleep
Swaddling is a great way to ensure that your baby is safe and that they stay warm at night. There are special blankets for swaddling, and you'll want to ensure that you follow the proper procedure.
Place the baby on their back and wrap the blanket around their body, freeing the arms. Don't make it too tight - you want your baby to be able to move comfortably in their swaddle. You can do this until they are about four months but be sure to check with your pediatrician about best practices for swaddling.
Once you've mastered the proper swaddling technique, an important next step is selecting the right swaddle blankets. This guide - The Difference Between Muslin and Bamboo Baby Swaddles - compares the advantages and disadvantages of these two popular fabrics. It includes helpful charts summarizing the key differences between muslin vs bamboo. Check it out for insights on choosing the perfect blankets to keep your little one snug and settled in their swaddle.9

Limit Caffeine and Alcohol While Breastfeeding
Many women may find themselves in a situation where they are breastfeeding their infant while also drinking alcohol or caffeine. Caffeine can be passed through breast milk. Infants who ingest too much caffeine can become jittery and irritable and have increased heart and respiration rates.
It has also been shown that drinking moderate amounts of alcohol while breastfeeding is not known to negatively affect babies' growth patterns. However, this changes if the mother consumes above moderate level. Therefore, not drinking alcohol is the safest option for breastfeeding mothers.
Ensure You Have Infant Medicine for Your Baby
Ensure you have infant medicine for your baby. Certain drugs can cause serious health issues or death in newborns. For example, Tylenol is only recommended for children over two months and should never be given to infants younger than a month old. Consult your doctor for specific information and medicine that your baby can use when sick.
Limit How Many People Interact with Your Baby
While it might be tempting to pass the baby around to your loved ones, you should limit how many people interact with your baby. Ensure the people who come in contact with your newborn are healthy and have no signs of illness. Do not allow anyone who has been sick recently to hold your baby, as you may have a sick baby afterward!
Follow These Rules to Keep Your Baby Safe
Keep in mind that your baby is more vulnerable than you may think. You probably know this much even if you've never cared for a child. The fact is that your newborn's body still needs to develop fully, and its immune system isn't as strong as yours. So they need to be kept safe from germs and illnesses to stay healthy over the long haul.
Following these ten tips will keep your new baby safe and healthy. Remember that there are always precautions to take when caring for a child, but this list will give you a good start on keeping your little one safe and secure in their first few months of life! If you need to prepare your home for your bundle of joy, check out our site today for your own Momcozy baby camera monitor and other supplies to ensure you are ready for your new family member!