12-Month Milestones: Key Achievements and Progress

12-Month Milestones: Key Achievements and Progress

The 12-month milestones are a critical period of growth, achievement, and reflection, whether it is personal, professional, or project-based. It helps to measure success and celebrations for key moments. This journey of 12 months allows us to see how far we have traveled, the obstacles we have overcome, and the objectives we have met. The value of these milestones lies in the fact that they are not only a sense of accomplishment regarding the progress that has been made but are also a roadmap toward more growth and success in the future.

Your 12-Month-Old Baby's Milestones

At 12 months old, your baby is experiencing remarkable growth and development. During this age range, your baby might be showing more and more independence and curiosity around himself. From movement to language, cognitive development to emotional growth, mastering every new ability at this mark when your baby begins seems wonderful. Let's go through the key landmarks of movement, hand skills, language, cognitive development, and social-emotional growth you can expect at this stage.


By this age, most babies are becoming mobile, crawling, cruising along furniture, or even taking their first steps with support. Some babies may even start walking alone. Their balance and coordination are developing very fast and enable them to move around their surroundings with more confidence. Babies can sit up on their own and pull themselves up to a standing position, which is an important step toward greater mobility. When you're on the go with your little one, a Momcozy baby stroller offers a safe and comfortable way to take them on walks, letting them experience the world while securely strapped in.

12-month-old baby's physical milestones.

Hand and Finger Skills

Fine motor skills are being refined with your baby. At this stage, a baby can pick up little things using a pincer grasp, thumb, and index finger. They start to stack blocks, flip pages in books, and feed themselves using their hands or a spoon. It is an indicator of how well they have hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity. They may also like placing things in containers and taking them out, which improves their fine motor control. A Momcozy baby gate can help keep your baby safe while they practice these new skills, creating a safe space for them to explore and develop their motor abilities.

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Language Skills

At this age, the language skills of a child are developing at their peak speed. The infant might start saying words, though quite simple, such as "mama" and "dada," may be able to understand most commands or questions, begin using gestures like waving his arms and pointing, babble considerably more, and even more about how he is getting towards producing those words. He might make more attempts to imitate the sounds of other sounds he hears, like that of animals.

Cognitive Skills

Your baby's cognitive skills are expanding, and he is beginning to understand cause and effect. The baby might shake a rattle to produce noise or push a button to elicit a response. Babies at this age start developing a sense of object permanence; they learn that the object remains present even though they cannot see it. It's a major leap in cognitive development for children because they learn to find hidden objects and begin with simple problems.

Social and Emotional Development

Emotionally, your baby is becoming more aware of their surroundings and the people in their lives. They may experience separation anxiety and clinging to familiar caregivers when in unfamiliar situations. However, they do this while also demonstrating increasingly independent behavior as the baby explores the environment and plays simple social games like smiling or waving bye-bye. Your baby might like certain people or toys over others and use facial expressions to convey emotions like enthusiasm or distress.

12-month-old baby's language and cognitive milestones.

Each is a milestone in the exhilarating and rapid growth that underpins further development throughout their months. Everyone supports the next, contributing toward greater independence and more awareness of the world at hand.

Your 12-month-old Baby's Growth

By the age of 12 months, babies have passed an important landmark on their development scale. It marks the rapid growth period characterized by dramatic changes in growth during this transitional phase from infancy into toddlerhood. Usually, 12-month-old babies generally indicate observable improvement in bodily growth, motor development, and socialization skills. Most of them would exhibit much-improved mobility and speech features. Here's a closer look at what to expect in terms of your 12-month-old's average weight, length, and teething at this stage.

  1. Average Length and Weight

Weight: The average weight of a 12-month-old baby is about 20-24 pounds (9-11 kg). Of course, babies differ in size, and their weight depends on genetics, feeding, and other factors.

Length: The average length for a 12-month-old is around 28-32 inches (71-81 cm). Again, this can vary based on your baby's growth pattern.

  1. Teeth

By the age of 12 months, babies tend to have at least 6-8 teeth present. It is commonly in the shape of two lower central incisors and two upper central incisors.

The number and the rate of teething vary greatly with individual children at this age.

Remember that every baby grows differently, and the values mentioned above are averages. If the baby's growth or teething issue is of concern, then it should be taken to a pediatrician for consultation.

Your 12-Month-Old Baby's Feeding Milestones

By the time your baby reaches 12 months old, the feeding milestones represent a shift from a more exclusive early period of either breastfeeding or formula feeding towards a diet that has varied much more in texture, taste, and feeding mode. By this age, your baby is able to adapt to many new things. Below are some of the usual feeding milestones expected of a 12-month-old baby.

Transition to Solid Foods

  • By the age of 12 months, your baby should be consuming more diversified solid foods. It includes soft fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, and dairy products.
  • Babies can start with family-style foods that have been chopped or mashed into smaller pieces.
  • They tend to love foods such as toast, scrambled eggs, yogurt, and well-cooked vegetables.

Self-Feeding Skills

  • Finger foods are a big milestone at this age. Your baby will probably start feeding themselves using their fingers and may begin to use a spoon with some support.
  • You might notice them picking up small pieces of food, such as soft fruits, cheerios, or pieces of cheese, and bringing them to their mouth.
  • Your baby might also begin to have favorite foods and be more particular about what they don't like and refuse.

Cup Drinking

  • At 12 months, your baby can start drinking from a sippy cup or an open cup with support. It is an important milestone as it is one step in weaning off bottles.
  • Many babies at this age still consume breast milk or formula but can be introduced to cow's milk or fortified formulas. It should be done gradually, as advised by your pediatrician.

Feeding Schedule

  • Although breast milk or formula intake drops while solid foods increase, most 12-month-old babies still breastfeed or consume formula 2-3 times a day.
  • Your baby will now have a more set routine, with 3 meals a day and 1-2 snacks between the meals. This routine will begin to teach your baby some good eating habits and social behavior at the table.
Baby’s Development at 12 Months

Development of Eating Habits

  • At this point, your baby is probably introduced to more different textures and learns to chew foods.
  • They may begin to prefer some foods, and you may notice them taking in more complex flavors and mixes, such as pasta with sauce or vegetable stews.
  • At this time, when they might show more self-regulation in eating, they may show signs of hunger or fullness, and they may stop eating once satisfied.

Introducing New Foods Safely

  • The 12th month is a good time to introduce a wider range of foods, but one will need to be on alert for food allergies. E.g., eggs and fish, in addition to nuts and peanuts, are common foods that can cause allergic reactions but can be introduced; keep a close eye out as well.
  • Continue to provide a variety of fruits, vegetables, proteins, and whole grains to encourage balanced nutrition.

Healthy Eating Practices

  • Encourage your baby to eat with the family during mealtimes. Healthy eating practices promote healthy social eating habits and support family bonding.
  • Avoid sugary foods or drinks, as this may lead to picky eating habits and poor nutrition in the future.

As always, each baby is unique, and your pediatrician can help guide you through the specifics of your child's nutrition and feeding habits. If your baby is not yet showing all of these milestones, that's okay—some babies reach these stages a little later, and they will catch up in their own time.

Your 12-Month-Old Baby's Sleeping Milestones

Baby’s Sleeping Patterns at 12 Months

At 12 months old, your baby is undergoing significant growth and development, and this includes their sleep patterns. As they approach their first birthday, their sleep needs and habits continue to evolve. Here's a look at the key sleep milestones for a 12-month-old.

Sleep Duration

  • Amount of Sleep: A 12-month-old needs around 12 to 14 hours of sleep in 24 hours, including naps and nighttime sleep. Dressing your baby in Momcozy baby pajamas can help keep them comfortable throughout the night, promoting longer, more restful sleep.
  • Nighttime Sleep: A total of 10 to 12 hours in a day, but some babies may still wake at least once or twice a night, while others are able to sleep all through the night. Using a Momcozy baby monitor can help you keep an eye on your baby’s sleep pattern and ensure that they are safe and sound throughout the night.

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  • Daytime Naps: Most 12-month-old babies will take two naps a day in the morning and the afternoon, which add up to about 2 to 3 hours of nighttime sleep.

Consolidation of Nocturnal Sleep

  • By 12 months, most babies start to consolidate their nighttime sleep, meaning they may be sleeping for longer periods (7-8 hours or more) without waking up.
  • However, it is normal for some babies to still wake up for a nighttime feed or just to comfort themselves.

Transitioning to One Nap

  • Around the age of 12 months, some babies begin transitioning from two naps to one. It can happen gradually, often starting with the morning nap being dropped.
  • Signs of readiness for this transition include a baby resisting one of the naps or if they’re still sleepy after a short nap.

Sleep Associations

  • Your baby may still have sleep associations, such as being rocked, nursed, or needing a pacifier to fall asleep. At this stage, it can be helpful to start gently guiding them toward falling asleep on their own, though this process can take time.
  • If your baby is waking up at night, chances are they need assistance resuming sleep, but guiding them toward self-soothing can be part of a healthy sleep development process.

Bedtime Routine

  • This period requires a standard bedtime routine, which might include a bath, the use of a story, and singing while hugging them before getting them to sleep.
  • A routine may help your child know what time it's time for sleep and ensure that appropriate sleep habits have been engraved.

Sleep Changes Due to Development Stage

  • At this point, developmental milestones such as learning to walk, talk, or assert independence may influence sleep patterns. For instance, a baby may refuse to go to bed due to new mobility or separation anxiety.
  • Furthermore, your baby could experience night wakings or even sleep disruption for a short while as they learn new things, which can cause some regression in their sleep behavior.

Safety in the Crib

  • Make sure your baby's sleeping environment is safe. Around 12 months, babies are more mobile, so make sure that the crib is free of soft objects like pillows or blankets that can cause suffocation.
  • It might also be time to remove any bumper pads in the crib if they haven't been already.


Teething may cause discomfort and sleep interference. The baby may wake more often during the night due to sore gums. Teething happens in phases, so you can expect episodes of sleeplessness as the new teeth start coming in.

Consistency and Patience

At 12 months, the sleep routines and habits need to be enforced with patience and consistency because this is the age at which they are becoming more conscious of their surroundings and what they need, and gradual and gentle changes in sleep habits should be made.

Signs of a Development Problem of a 1-Year-Old Baby

At one year, babies are quickly developing their skills in terms of movement, language, and social interaction. In case the baby is not achieving these typical developmental milestones, it may be an indication of a developmental problem. Common signs to watch for are:

  • Not crawling or moving independently
  • Not attempting to stand or walk without support
  • Not responding to their name or familiar sounds
  • Not pointing at objects or people
  • Limited or no verbal communication (e.g., not saying simple words like "mama" or "dada")
  • Losing previously acquired skills, such as social or motor abilities

Additionally, other developmental concerns may include:

  • Inability to understand and follow basic instructions.
  • Challenges with problem-solving or cause-and-effect understanding
  • Delayed social interaction or difficulty engaging with others
  • Struggles with fine motor skills, such as grasping or manipulating objects

If you observe any of these signs, you should talk to a pediatrician and discuss your child's development. The pediatrician may then decide whether your child needs further evaluation.

Tips for Supporting Your 12-Month-Old Baby’s Development

Things to Look for Baby’s Development

At 12 months, your baby is continuing to achieve milestones and start to explore their world. Here are some tips for supporting their development in various areas:

Encourage Physical Development

  • Encourage movement: Provide a safe space for your baby to move around, crawl, cruise along furniture, and even try standing or walking. Encourage them to move or walk by placing toys for them to reach to motivate them to crawl.
  • Age-appropriate toys: Give your baby toys that develop their gross motor skills, like push toys or softballs that encourage walking or crawling.

Enhance Language Skills

  • Talk to your baby: Even if they can’t speak back, talking to them helps develop language skills. Describe your actions, objects, and surroundings, and read books together regularly.
  • Use simple words and gestures: Encourage your baby to mimic sounds and words like “mama,” “dada,” or animal sounds. Wave, clap, and point to help them understand non-verbal cues.

Support cognitive development

  • Perform causality play: In short, games like peek-a-boo, a line of stacked blocks or random pressing of buttons result in making a sound support causing an effect.
  • Hide and seek: hide toys/objects and show their hiding spots to children, after which it encourages you to ask them where the particular toy or objects are or, rather, when hidden.

Encourage Social and Emotional Development

  • Arrange social interactions: Organize playdates with other babies or attend family gatherings to encourage your baby's social development.
  • Respond to emotional needs: Comfort your baby when they are distressed, and emotionally support them to venture out into their surroundings confidently.
  • Exercise patience with separation anxiety: At this point, toddlers may get frightened by separations from familiar caretakers. Offer reassurance and consistent comfort.

Foster Fine Motor Skills

  • Give them chances to practice, such as offering grasping-type toys, like stacking and placing objects in containers; soft blocks, or the shape sorters, are excellent for furthering fine motor control.
  • Let them get the hang of self-feeding: Give your baby access to feeding themselves with a spoon or their hands; it is a good idea to let them get an understanding of hand-eye coordination and motor skills.

Establish Healthy Routines

  • Create a regular sleep schedule at 12 months. Baby still needs a regular sleeping time routine. A predictability of the routine will make them secure and healthy for sleep.
  • Structured daily routine: The consistent meal, nap, and play times create a sense of security in your baby and help the baby cope with growing independence.

FAQs about Your Developmental Milestones of a 1-Year-Old Baby

How many words should a 12 month old baby say?

At 12 months of age, most infants can babble a few simple words, though, of course, there's a wide range of what's normal when it comes to language development. A typical 12-month-old says 1 to 3 words, such as "mama," "dada," or simple words for familiar objects like "bye" or "no.".

How many teeth should a 1-year-old have?

By the time your baby is 12 months old, they usually have between 4 to 8 teeth. It is common for lower central incisors (bottom front teeth) to erupt first and then upper central incisors (top front teeth), but there is a pretty wide range of normal here, and some babies are going to have more, and some are going to have fewer than that.

What sounds should a 12-month-old make?

A 12-month-old should babble or produce gibberish sounds leading to the first word being said. They may:

  • Make squealing noises: To get your attention
  • Have different cries: For different needs, such as hunger or tiredness
  • Break down babbling into single syllables. For example, "baba" becomes "ba," and "dada" becomes "da."

Should my 12-month-old be walking?

The average age is 12 months, but babies can start walking at 9 months or even as late as 17 or 18 months. Every child develops at their own pace, and the range for when babies begin walking is very wide.


12-Month Milestones of Babies

At 12 months, your baby experiences significant growth. They improve their motor skills, language, and social skills. All these mark important milestones in their journey. Support for movement, language, and social interaction, together with the development of healthy routines, supports growth. Every milestone reached prepares them for further growth and gives them confidence as they wait for the next stage of this exciting developmental journey.

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