Why can’t newborn babies under 6 months drink water? And when can a newborn baby drink water?

Why can’t newborn babies under 6 months drink water? And when can a newborn baby drink water?

I often see in the group that there are mothers discussing the problem of the old man feeding the newborn baby. Presumably, most parents know that the baby does not need to feed the water within 6 months, because the breast milk or formula can fully satisfy the baby. The body needs water, but the elderly at home may still “can’t help but feed” the baby. The reason is that the baby may be thirsty, drink some water after drinking milk, and the baby will get angry easily if he does not feed the water, or When you were born, we will give you water…

Many parents will feel particularly helpless in this situation, but they don’t know how to explain to the elderly. Why not recommend drinking water for newborn babies? How long does it take for a baby to drink water? What should you pay attention to when drinking water? After reading this article today, parents can know how to “persuade” the old man to stop feeding the baby!

First, why can’t you drink water for newborn babies under 6 months?

The authoritative parenting institutions represented by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) all recommend that under normal circumstances, babies within 6 months do not need to drink water, and breast milk or formula is enough to provide the baby with a body. The nutrients and moisture needed.

WHO clearly states that breastfed babies do not need to drink any extra water because the water content in breast milk is more than 80%; and formula-fed babies are also able to get enough water, so no additional water is needed. Even in the very hot summer months, the moisture in breast milk and formula can fully meet the baby’s needs.

However, even if the parents have given the elderly people a “no need to feed the baby”, the elderly at home always have various reasons to feed the baby. They may still think: “And breast milk or formula. At the same time, there is no harm in feeding water again?” At this time, parents need righteous words and the elders of the family to emphasize that it is not necessary to feed the newborn baby. Feeding water may damage the baby’s body. Health, such as water poisoning, electrolyte imbalance in the body, etc.!

There are these risks associated with feeding a baby under 6 months:

  • Feeding water may affect your baby’s interest in breast milk and formula, which may result in reduced milk consumption, weight loss, and normal nutrient absorption.
  • Feeding water may also cause the baby’s bilirubin level to rise, leading to jaundice;
  • May cause water intoxication, because the baby’s kidney function is not mature enough to drain properly like an adult;
  • Feeding too much water will also wash away all kinds of ions (such as sodium ions) in your baby, causing electrolyte imbalance in the body.

Seeing this, it is very clear that it is basically not necessary to feed the baby. First, there is no need, and second, there is a lot of risk.

Of course, there are some old people who may think, “I don’t take the initiative to feed my baby. Can you drink some water?” It sounds good, but it is not necessary, and if you accidentally feed it. More “mouthwash”, the baby swallowed is not the equivalent of drinking water? The way to keep your baby’s mouth clean is not just a mouthwash. Parents can wipe the baby’s mouth with a wet gauze, which is more effective than mouthwash.

In addition, parents should also pay attention to the fact that the “not recommended for 6 months baby feeding” refers to most of the daily situations, and there are also some “special circumstances”, such as when the baby is sick, has a fever, and diarrhea. In order to prevent dehydration, you can properly feed the baby with water or electrolyte water (of course, breastfeeding can also replenish water. After all, most of the milk is also water). You can consult your doctor for advice.

Second, when can I start drinking water for my baby? How much is appropriate for drinking?

After the baby has started to eat complementary food for 6 months, you can start to feed the baby a little water, but before the baby is over 1 year old, it should be based on breast milk or formula. Drinking too much water may affect the baby’s drink. The amount of milk, which in turn affects the baby’s nutritional intake. In the case of normal baby drinking, the amount of water you drink per day is about 2-6 ounces. You don’t need to pay too much.

After the baby is over 1 year old, the complementary food will gradually replace the breast milk or formula to become the main source of nutrition for the baby. At this time, the basic drinking water can be used normally. Generally speaking, a 1-year-old baby recommends drinking 1 cup of water a day (about 8 ounces or so). Then, for every 1 year old baby, the amount of water should be increased every day. For example, a 2-year-old baby recommends drinking 2 glasses of water a day. About 16 ounces), a 3-year-old baby recommends drinking 3 glasses of water (about 24 ounces).

Of course, each baby’s diet is not the same, so there is no strict fixed data on how much water to drink every day. In short, as long as the baby’s diet is enough water, the body does not lack water.

How to judge the lack of water in the baby? Very simple, just like adults, look at your baby’s urine color. If the urine is light yellow or transparent, it is normal. If the urine is yellow, the baby may be short of water.

Third, what should you pay attention to when drinking water for your baby?

Here we also share some tips for parents to drink water for their baby:

  1. It is not recommended that parents use a bottle to drink water for the baby. It is recommended to use a drinking cup

Feeding water with a bottle for a long time will affect the normal development of the baby’s mouth, and will also make the baby dependent on the nipple, so the sippy cup, wide-mouth cup, sippy cup and other drinking cups are a better choice for the baby to drink.

  1. the baby can drink ordinary pure water, it is not recommended to drink mineral water or soda for the baby who is too young.

Because mineral water contains sodium, calcium and other trace minerals, and now there is no general industry requirement and standard for the composition of mineral water, some mineral water may contain excessive sodium, and the baby’s kidney function is not good. deal with. If you want to drink mineral water for your baby, it is best to wait until he is 2 years old, because at that time the baby’s kidney function is relatively complete.

The soda water contains gas, which is easy to cause pain in your baby’s stomach. In addition, carbonated drinks are not a good drink for babies. Carbonated drinks contain carbon dioxide, which may cause your baby’s stomach to hurt. And once the baby likes to drink carbonated drinks is very addictive, most of the carbonated drinks or flavored soda water contains a lot of sodium and sugar, which is very unfavorable to the baby’s oral health. So whether your baby is 2 or older, it is best not to touch carbonated drinks or flavored soda.

  1. ice water hot water can drink, there is no problem to drink ice water for the baby.

Many people think that children can’t drink ice water, especially those of the older generation who are influenced by Chinese medicine thinking and think that drinking ice water is unhealthy. But in fact, there is no clear medical experiment to prove that there is a clear causal link between iced water and diarrhea, colds, fever and other diseases. Authorities such as the US AAP and CDC have not explicitly suggested that children should not drink ice water.

The cause of diseases such as diarrhea, colds, and fever is actually bacteria and viruses, and it has nothing to do with the temperature of water. Many American children are basically drinking ice water and cold water. There is no taboo in the cold or ice, so as long as it is safe and hygienic, the clean water can be given to the baby.

  1. baby diarrhea is more serious, acute gastroenteritis, need to pay attention to add electrolyte water

When the baby’s diarrhea is pulled out, not only water, but also electrolytes in the body, so when the baby’s diarrhea is serious and suffering from acute gastroenteritis, the doctor may recommend giving the baby a little electrolyte water, such as Pedialyte. Or Infalyte’s electrolyte water to prevent dehydration.

Today, the sharing of baby drinking water is here! Finally, let’s briefly review the review: Under normal circumstances, the baby within 6 months does not need to feed water; after the baby is 6 months old, you can start drinking a little water, but still have to drink breast milk or formula. After the baby is over 1 year old, you can start drinking water normally. It is recommended to drink pure water, not to drink mineral water or soda.

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